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Meals on Wheels of Hendricks County

As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, we rely on generous members of our community to provide important services for our clients. Your charitable giving not only provides hot, nutritious meals for our clients, but helps keep our clients safe, living independently, and connected to their community.
There are a variety of ways to donate to Meals on Wheels of Hendricks County. Currently, our most crucial need is for financial support for clients who are unable to cover the cost of their meals.
Continue scrolling to see how you can make the most impact for seniors in Hendricks County!
Would you like to cover the cost of meals for a senior in your community?
More than half of our clients receive financial assistance to cover the cost of their meals. Monetary donations have an immediate and visible impact on our community.
One week of meals: $37.50
One month of meals: $165
Three months of meals: $495
Six months of meals: $990
One year of meals: $1,980
Donate online, by mail or by phone.
Click here to donate online with Paypal
Checks can be mailed to:
Meals on Wheels of Hendricks Co.
PO Box 409
Danville, IN 46122
Birthday Bags
Meals on Wheels provides clients with birthday bags on their special day! Each birthday bag comes with a handwritten birthday card and a few items that are personalized for that client. We collect items like small notebooks, chapstick, travel-size lotions, pens, puzzle books, magnets, etc.
If you are interested in purchasing birthday bag items, please order directly from our Amazon Wishlist.
General Wish List
We go through a significant amount of office supplies and general supplies to ensure that we are working as efficiently as possible, and to keep our staff happy, safe, and healthy! Consider purchasing items from our general Amazon Wishlist to help us keep costs down.
Kroger Rewards
Did you know that you can support Meals on Wheels with your regular, everyday shopping? Kroger offers a community rewards program at no extra cost to you!
Click here to see how to link your Kroger Shopper's Card to Kroger Community Rewards to benefit Meals on Wheels of Hendricks County.
Ideas for Students
Decorate brown bags - Every day, our clients receive cold meals in brown paper bags. Clients love receiving colorful, decorated bags from student groups around the county! (Please contact us at for bags).
Make holiday cards
Collect birthday bag items
Ideas for Large Groups
Decorate brown bags - Every day, our clients receive cold meals in brown paper bags. Clients love receiving colorful, decorated bags from groups throughout the county. (Please contact us at for bags).
Host a birthday bag donation drop off at your store or location. We'll promote your business on our website!

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